Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Trying tesseract-ocr for Optical Character Recognition

Teseract is an OCR tool Developed by HP Labs.It is one of the most powerful and accurate OCR system.And it is Open Source I decided to give a try
Two Options

  1. Directly installing (what's the fun in that?)
  2. Compile from the source code
So I choose second option.Downloaded latest version 3.03 source code from google drive.Compiling have two steps installing teseract engine and appropriate training data of the language.
So first into compiling. Need so many dependencies

After installing all dependencies extracted the source code into a folder.Now it is compile time..:)

make step may took some time.After compiling we need to add the language data file which is pasted into /usr/local/share/tessdata and don't forget to give proper permissions otherwise tesseract cannot access the language file.
After everything just run

wow..the acuracy is unbelievable.!!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Install "android-tools" package (adb and fastboot) in Ubuntu 12.04, 11.10 or 11.04

adb is a tool used in Ubuntu to manage files in a android phone.You can access the file systems in your phone as administrator and it can send commands to phone almost like Ubuntu cd, ls, cat etc. You can install or Uninstall a application from our computer itself

fastboot is a command line tool that you can use to flash your file system of android phone over USB.

after installation connect you phone to computer using USB cable and turn on the USB Debugging
in phone.

Then you can use adb to control your phone

this will guide you to a shell which is similar to a Linux shell 

while you are in the adb shell try

This will shows the commands that run in adb shell

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fix for Atheros Ar 8162 In Ubuntu 12.04

To fix the Network problem of Ubuntu 12.04 with Dell Inspiron 12.04 (with Network card Atheros ar8162)
Try the following

1)      Download  compat-wireless-2012-02-28-p.tar.bz2 from here 
                   (download the exact file from the list)
2)      Copy the downloaded file to your home
3)      Then open the Terminal (Ctrl +alt+t) and run the following Commands one by one